Saturday, March 5, 2011


This might come as a surprise to some of you…but I am not a very patient person!
I know, shocking right? :)

One day when Wes and I were dating, we were watching The Newlywed Game Show. One of the questions was "what is your spouse most lacking…brain cells, patience cells, or love cells".
Wes without hesitation shouted "patience cells!!".

I've come a long way since those days, twin girls will do that to a mother!
But I still have such a long way to go. I so often want things accomplished on my time, when I want them and how I want them.
I really have to focus on making myself stop and think about how this affects other people.

So with this {journey} I've felt God so often tell me

"stop. just wait. be patient."

And that is so hard…so very very hard. Because when I have something in my sites I go for it.

I'm all about research and planning and list making and weighing options…but once I've done that and have decided I'm gunning to accomplish it.

For whatever reason though, with Uganda, God is telling me to wait.

I want more than anything to spend my days pouring love into the children of Uganda…
the people of Uganda.
I want more than anything to spend my days pouring love and knowledge into my children.
I want more than anything to spend my days depending solely on my heavenly father.
I really want more than anything to rewind time by five, ten years and move to Uganda then.

Why did it take us so long to hear what our Father was telling us?
Why didn't we see what He wanted so long ago?

I don't know the answers to these questions but I know that we are never to old or too set in our ways to be used by God.
His timing is perfect
I know He has a plan for us
I can't wait to see what that is.

But for now I have to have {patience}...

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